Minggu, 04 September 2011


Eruption of the Merapi saw massive months ago that claimed many hundreds peoples is dies, even thousands of lives have been lost, destroyed thousands of houses reduced to rubble, even less exposure to inhalation remaining hot clouds (clouds garbage wedus nickname = heat). thousands of animals, such as grilled satay of hot lava terbengkelai. Even after the eruption of the Merapi disasters new Yogyakarta madly replicas of Mount Merapi as cold lava floods. And this cold lava flow was no less fierce with the eruption of the Merapi. Due to that the guard of a large number of victims, and stabilized hundreds of villages at the foot of the Merapi. And in 2011 was likely cold lava floods is that still hit the beloved Earth Yogyakarta. that God always gives her strength and faith, in which we live is full coba ' an Amen.                                                                                                                                                                              (by wong datsun2)

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