Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011


Most people are afraid of ghosts, assuming they are the bad ghost, scary ghost, ghosts, and some even think it's dangerous. But what if the ghost was pretty exciting, eh bohay again ........., this one instead kebangetan, the ghost of cute girls not in the shot .... Do dong jangaaaaannn kaciankhan. So do not watch too many horror movies, making it difficult to sleep, right? even come to the ghost again .........., hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii takuuuuutttttttt. Jowo writing through listening to music, there is no guarantee on the part dances dech ghost! shiiiiiiip                                                                                                   (by datsun2)

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

jowo edan

Tenang choy.........masih ada aku...., kotor yo tak semprot, apa lagi kalau ada kuman, tak jamin resik broo, bersih-bersih sambil ndengerin lagu jowo khan asik, opo maneh nek karo ngopi broo, eh ternyata virus flu burung.............. lariiiii......................................... (by wong datsun2)